【摘要】Quantitatively evaluating the psychological and perceptual effects of objects is an important issue,but is difficult. In cognitive studies, the psychological potential field(PPF), which represents psychological intensities in vision and can be calculated by applying computational algorithms to digital images, may help with this issue. Although studies have reported using the PPF to evaluate psychological effects, such as impressions, detailed investigations on how the PPF represents psychological perception and its limitations have not yet been performed. Another relevant tool is the fixation map, which visualizes human eye fixations;this map is generated from actual measurements acquired by eye-tracking and does not represent psychological effects directly. Although the PPF and the fixation map are based on visual imaging, they have never been compared. In this paper, we do so for the first time, using psychological and perceptual properties of line-drawing images. The results demonstrate the difference between these methods, including their representation of different properties with respect to visual perception. Moreover, the similarity between the two methods highlights the possibility of assessing perceptual phenomena such as categorization and cognition of objects based on human vision.
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