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A detail preserving neural network model for Monte Carlo denoising


【摘要】Monte Carlo based methods such as path tracing are widely used in movie production. To achieve low noise, they require many samples per pixel,resulting in long rendering time. To reduce the cost,one solution is Monte Carlo denoising, which renders the image with fewer samples per pixel(as little as128) and then denoises the resulting image. Many Monte Carlo denoising methods rely on deep learning:they use convolutional neural networks to learn the relationship between noisy images and reference images,using auxiliary features such as position and normal together with image color as inputs. The network predicts kernels which are then applied to the noisy input. These methods show powerful denoising ability,but tend to lose geometric or lighting details and to blur sharp features during denoising.In this paper, we solve this issue by proposing a novel network structure, a new input feature—light transport covariance from path space—and an improved loss function. Our network separates feature buffers from the color buffer to enhance detail effects. The features are extracted separately and then integrated into a shallow kernel predictor. Our loss function considers perceptual loss, which also improves detail preservation.In addition, we use a light transport covariance feature in path space as one of the features, which helps to preserve illumination details. Our method denoises Monte Carlo path traced images while preserving details much better than previous methods.


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